Friday, July 31, 2015

STRATEGY 2: Develop Your Brand - 7. 1. Be Tenacious

Determination to stand through every challenge you face is needed to be a solid and successful personal brand. People who overcome great physical challenges do not quit? Work hard and press on. Quitting is not an option. Winners never quit and quitters never win. Tenacity will help you to push through failures.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

STRATEGY 2: Develop Your Brand - 6. Apply the Principle of Modeling

Learn by examples. Master excellence by following the recipes of successful brands that relates with yours. All an elephant calf has to do to become as big as the great giant elephant parent is to eat what they eat. In the process of time, it will find itself just as big as the parents. Locate success recipes and follow the processes using the right ingredients to produce the desired flavor and results.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

STRATEGY 2: Develop Your Brand - 5. Master the Law of Observation

Learn to recognize new opportunities. Appreciate the good in others. Learn something new every day from people you meet, your environment, situations that comes your way, and both living and non-living things.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

STRATEGY 2: Develop Your Brand - 4. Engage the Law of Attraction

Birds of the same feathers flop together; associate and network with men of like-minds. Surround yourself with upwardly mobile individuals.  Fill your mind with positive information. Create an atmosphere of positive vibes around you. Guard your heart. Have an attitude of gratitude. Love and forgive freely. Harbor no bitterness or uncleanness. Attract to your life what you desire. Maintain positive confessions.

Monday, July 27, 2015

STRATEGY 2: Develop Your Brand - 3. Get a Mentor Who Will Be Your Role Model

To develop your personal brand, you need a coach. We all need someone to counsel and guide us as we climb up the ladder of our vocation and avocation in life. We do not need to learn everything by experiencing them when we can learn from those who have trodden the same path we are threading in the journey of life. We should have both direct and indirect mentors. Direct mentors are leaders we have actually relationships with, while indirect mentors are those we learn from via books, videos, audio, and multimedia materials. This saves us years of experiential learning. We do not have to go through all the rigors of re-inventing the wheel.

Friday, July 10, 2015

STRATEGY 2: Develop Your Brand - 2. Pray Through

PUSH. Pray Until Something Happens. Have constant fellowship and intimacy with the Higher Power. Depend on spiritual instructions. Maintain an effective communication with the Divinity via prayers.
Communication is not effective if there is no feedback. Speak to and hear from God all day long. While going about your daily routine, be in the spirit.